Welcome to 'Abductees' Anonymous!

-- by J.A. Bjornson, Editor & Publisher

After spending many hours searching the www. newsgroups and UFO-related home pages for meaningful information on the 'abduction' phenomona, I finally gave up in frustration and decided to start 'Abductees' Anonymous -- an unique page devoted exclusively to the 'abduction' experience.

Although there are many excellent pages on the subject of UFO's out there on the Internet, you have to read them all in order to find 'abduction' information. Now you can turn to one page for the latest in 'abduction' news, in-depth feature articles and first-person narratives from experiencers around the world. It is my feeling that if this great mystery that affects so many lives is ever to be solved, it will be solved by the experiencers themselves. We all have bits and pieces of this intriging puzzle, now we have a place to lay out the pieces.

I cordially invite you to join our organization and share your experience with others here on this netpage. All contributions will remain anonymous unless you give us your permission to use your name. E-mail addresses will not be given out to anyone for any reason unless authorized by you.

I hope this page will provide you with the information you need to better understand what has happened (and is happening) to you. We look forward to adding your name to our growing membership list.

Please contact us at'Abductees' Anonymous if you have any questions regarding membership benefits.

Thank you for visiting this site!